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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 2 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume II (Data Express)(1993).ISO / prog / svgabg31.zip

Jump To: Text (24)  |  Other (7)

Text (24)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
INITSVGA.C Text File 133 3KB 1991-12-06
INITSVGA.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 149 3KB 1991-12-06
MAKEBGI.BAT DOS Batch File 33 644b 1991-10-12
MAKEFILE.SVG Text File 21 761b 1991-11-16
MAKEFILE.TWK Text File 19 623b 1991-08-21
NOTES16.SVG Text File 15 404b 1991-10-03
NOTES16.TWK Text File 12 274b 1991-08-21
NOTES256.SVG Text File 28 825b 1991-11-20
NOTES256.TWK Text File 11 313b 1991-11-16
NOTES32K.SVG Text File 65 2KB 1991-12-06
README Text File 154 6KB 1991-12-07
REGISTER.DOC Text File 61 2KB 1991-12-06
SVGA16.H Text File 32 954b 1991-11-16
SVGA16.INC Text File 43 1KB 1991-09-28
SVGA256.H Text File 31 899b 1991-11-16
SVGA256.INC Text File 41 1KB 1991-12-06
SVGA32K.H Text File 49 1KB 1991-12-06
SVGA32K.INC Text File 47 1KB 1991-12-06
TWK16.H Text File 33 926b 1991-11-16
TWK16.INC Text File 40 1KB 1991-09-28
TWK256.H Text File 32 775b 1991-11-16
TWK256.INC Text File 42 993b 1991-09-28
VGADEMO.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 1,693 47KB 1991-12-06
VGAPALET.C Text File 91 2KB 1991-11-16

Other Files (7)
BH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1991-01-11
VGADEMO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 69KB 1991-12-06
SVGA16.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 7KB 1991-12-06
SVGA256.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 5KB 1991-12-06
SVGA32K.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 4KB 1991-12-06
TWK16.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1991-12-06
TWK256.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 4KB 1991-12-06